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DBS News

News on DBS

Obituary - Teacher Ting-ming Tsang  (Apr-09)

From: "Eddy Tsang" <>
Date: April 14, 2009 11:00:39 PM GMT-04:00
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: My dad's funeral

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, friends and relatives,
Ting Ming Tsang, my beloved dad, passed away, peacefully, yesterday morning in  Scarborough  Grace  Hospital at the age of 98.


He felt unwell in the evening of April 4 and we sent him to ER that night. After tests and imaging, he was diagnosed of pancreatic infection and therefore was hospitalized. The doctors did not treat him with medications other than those he routinely takes, but he was hooked up with IV, and urine catheter because for the past months his kidneys had been deteriorating. Except for fatigue and constipation he was just alright then. The next day, although the infection numbers rose substantially, his condition was stable, and we were relieved that he was already on the hospital bed. The third day he started to recover. By the forth day he was unhooked of the IV and catheter and was able to eat solid food. Everybody was so proud of him! Nevertheless on Thursday he felt a little short of breath and oxygen was given to him occasionally. It turned worse on Friday when he had to be treated with asthma medication as well as on 24 hour oxygen. Saturday night was most critical, but he was fairly conscious. Other than feeling weak and short of breath, he had not complained of pain. It must be mentioned that when he was first hospitalized, in view of his age the family has already confirmed with him his wish that in case of emergency he would choose comfort over reviving. It was with this baseline that increased but optimal dosage of drug was given to him the next day, and we knew that that day might probably be the best time to take my mom who, as you probably know, is not in sound health, to see him. At around 5:15 the following morning, the attending nurse called us to the hospital saying that my dad’s condition was no good and that he might not be able to make it this time. He was then pronounced dead at 5:40 am, dying peacefully of kidney failure.
 My dad has accepted Christ on the second day he was in the hospital. He has told me not to worry about him in case he could not make out, because he would see us one day in heaven – we are so thankful for the merciful hands of the Lord!
The funeral will be held on Monday April 20 at  Elgin  Mills  Cemetery in  Richmond Hill . Visitation will start at 2 pm and Service at 3 pm. Rev. Phillip Man Tam Kwok of Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church has kindly agreed to officiate the Service.  Elgin  Mills  Cemetery is located at the south west corner of  Elgin Mills Road East and Hwy 404. There are entrances on both  Leslie Street and  Elgin Mills Road . The Chapel is in the main building.
The funeral is held on weekday when many of you will have to go to work. We apologize for not being able to arrange it during weekend. We shall of course understand those of you who cannot attend the funeral. In the circumstances, your silent prayer for us will suffice and be very much appreciated.
With kindest regards.



Mr. Tsang (矮仔曾) was our Chinese teacher in the 50's, 60' and 70's or may even be 80's.

Gilbert Wong (Class 58)

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Admission of girls? (09)

Old Boys' Opinion on the Admission of Girls

In a quick survey commissioned by the DSOBA on 2nd March 2009 on the issue of whether old boys supported the idea of admitting girls to the IB program, a total of 269 old boys returned the questionnaire by the due date of 20th March 2009. Graduation years of the respondents ranged from 1946 to 2008. Out of all the respondents, 244 old boys (91%) do not support the admission of girls while 25 old boys (9%) supported the idea.

The above results shall be reported to the School Committee for its reference when making a decision on the issue.

Desmond Yip ('82)
President, DSOBA
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Alex Law, class of 71 director and screenplay writer did a shoot at DBS last Sunday , enclosed is an email beautifully written by his assistant director. Can you pass this on to the President and see whether he would like to circulate this letter and put it on our web-site.


----- Original Message -----
From: Nikki Lau
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: Dear Boys...

My brother is a DBS boy.  He graduated many years ago.  I say “is” because once you’re a DBS boy, you never quite un-become one.  It never becomes past tense.  I think this is especially apparent after watching Director Alex Law in action during our first day of shooting at DBS yesterday.

There is something quite special about filmmaking, the way it is able to capture: a piece of history, a part of someone’s heart, a sliver of memory.  One of our scenes yesterday was filmed in the French room.  The room itself was a complete surprise find during one of my many visits to the school.  The first time I laid my eyes on the room, I saw the camera there in its tracks, panning quietly across from left to right (in film speak we affectionately call it from finder to motor).

I want to thank all the boys and other members of the school who came to shoot and play with us this past Sunday.  There were about 20 of you.  The spirit of DBS is still very much endearing.  The boys were patient, and kind, and most of them quiet, and gently listened to instructions, and followed them well.  For that, we thank you sincerely.  We will be replicating the inter-house and interschool athletics meets in two scenes, and DBS boys in their glory at a speech and debate competition; I cannot begin to tell you how exciting this is as a loving tribute to DBS on the director’s part.

If you are reading this, it is because I have contacted you personally or we have crossed paths during one of my many casting sessions at the school.  I know all of your names by heart.  We have shot one full day at DBS, but there will be one more; and in addition, other scenes peppered throughout the rest of the production that will beg for the authenticity and grace of DBS boys, which cannot be found anywhere else but the real deal: all of you.  

On behalf of Director Alex Law and the entire crew of this film production, I would like to thank those of you who have already shown us your support, and if we may be so bold, ask for your continuous support, and the rest of you to join in the fun as well.  Please forward this to any and all current and old DBS boys that you know.  This is the power of the word of mouth, of strength in numbers.  I will be in contact with more information regarding shooting times for future dates.  Please feel free to email me or call me at 92400836 or Jay at 66820693 at any time.

So what is my connection to all of this, you may ask.  How do I know when I come across the best of the best?  It isn’t just because I am passionate about filmmaking and want to make this work.

You see, I am a DGS girl, too.

Nikki Lau
Assistant Director

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Sportsmen Dinner 09

DBS celebrates it sportsmen and the recent Championship at the Interschool Athletics!

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10km Run 09 – on scene

Mar 09

The 10km run from the eyes of Joshua Ma, a F4 student / runner.

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Received from the Headmaster's Office.

Feb 09

<Letter to School Committee>

<Press Release>


Attn to:     School Committee of DBS
From:    Elizabeth Chan
Date:    11 February 2009        

In regard of the press reports today on the topic of DBS’s IB Class, as a witness during the whole press briefing and luncheon together with Headmaster Terence Chang and the press yesterday, I would like to clarify that Headmaster Chang did not say anything that the School has already confirmed to accept girl students for its IB Class as what had reported on some Chinese newspapers. Mr. Chang only said that the School will consider the possibilities of whether to accept girl students in the IB Class and the decision will make depending on if there were enough and appropriate facilities for the girls, etc. and the School will also consider the views of our old boys as well.

At the same time, we had also issued a press release to all participated media yesterday and we had a very clear message on that. Attached please find the original press release for your information.     

I would like to state that Headmaster Chang had expressed a clear message during the press briefing yesterday, however, and I am sorry to find some of the media was misunderstood and had wrong reports on it. In fact, it is not rare that press has wrong reports on everyday news, media received complaints very often.

I have just drafted a press statement to clarify our position and seek your comment and endorsement whether it is appropriate to send it to related media later today.

Thank you for your attention

Best regards
PR Consultant

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DBS 140th Anniversary

Received from the Headmaster's Office.

Feb 09



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打破140年傳統 男拔明年收女生

Headline News (2009-02-11 )






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On Dec. 6 2008, against better judgment and senses, over 20 of our old boys gathered at the beautiful new gym for a game of volleyball (some admitted that they had not touch a volleyball for over 25 years, according to a Mr. S Leung 83'). Yung sir was kind and patient enough to umpire through about 10 matches while marveled at the amount of body fat presented on court.

Image Image Image

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Some wives and kids were on standby along the sideline looking like they would jump to administer CPR to their loved ones should the need arise. But that caring gesture turned out to be an overreaction because all participated with the vigor and vitality of those younger years when the school team vest was only a white, round neck (Yung Sir would not allow any other style)T-shirts with the school name and numbers silk-screened on them. A wine dinner, of course, immediately followed at ½ðÁú´¬ but not before Joseph "Fat Ball" Tse drained out his remaining energy by attempting to touch the bottom of the basketball backboard."


Tony Ho 83'

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The DBS runners team at the 2009 10km Run.

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