9男4女膺十優狀元 – 星島日報網頁
Source: www.singtao.com
中學會考今日放榜,本屆共有13名考生考獲10A或5*等級。當中包括9名男生,其中2名來自拔萃男書院,其中1名是文科生,是學校歷來第一位文科狀元。皇仁書院、喇沙書院、大埔迦密柏雨中學、赤柱聖士提反書院、荃灣官立中學、順德聯誼總會梁球琚中學,以及聖約瑟英文書院各有1名男生考獲十優 。另有4名十優女生,當中3名來自拔萃女書院,另1人來自瑪利諾修院學校。
The Diocesan Boys School Choir has been invited to perform at the National Theatre of China in Beijing for the International Chorus Festival in August. 6 Choirs from all over the world was invited to this event: DBS is the only male Choir to be invited to perform at this Festival. The boys will take on a full concert on 11th August 2009.
In the last few years, the Diocesan Boys School Choir has been performing and competing in various International Competitions and have achieved remarkable results: In additional to winning the Best Boys and Best Choir accolades in Hong Kong, the boys have done exceptionally well in the international scene. In 2006 our Choir won the World Championship in the Youth Male Category of the World Choir Games. In 2007 our Choir was crowned Champions of 5th International Brahms Choral Festival in Germany. In 2008 Our boys were once again awarded the World Championship in the World Choir Games held in Graz Austria.
We hope current and past DBS boys will come and support us at this special event.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Beijing!
Ronnie K.Y. Cheng
Deputy Headmaster
Diocesan Boys' School
131 Argyle Street
Mongkok Kowloon
Hong Kong SAR
Message on DBS 140th Anniversary
To all DBS current and old boys,
We need pictures of DBS and boys from all eras, please contact me if you have any interesting pictures to share. We would like to compile a collection to be shown at the 140th Anniversary Homecoming Concert. Kindly send the pictures to either dbsxrc@gmail.com or abcpigeon@gmail.com thanks! We need these pictures asap!
Thanks again.
Ronnie K.Y. Cheng
Deputy Headmaster Diocesan Boys' School
131 Argyle Street
Mongkok Kowloon
Hong Kong SAR
With the introduction of IB cirriculum to DBS, a new phase of buildings with facilities to fulfill the curriculum's requirements would be introduced. The design stage has been commenced and the anticipated completion would be in 2010.
ref: DBS The Fund Vol 7. <download page 1> <download page 2>