To all DBS current and old boys,
We need pictures of DBS and boys from all eras, please contact me if you have any interesting pictures to share. We would like to compile a collection to be shown at the 140th Anniversary Homecoming Concert. Kindly send the pictures to either or thanks! We need these pictures asap!
Thanks again.
Ronnie K.Y. Cheng
Deputy Headmaster Diocesan Boys' School
131 Argyle Street
Mongkok Kowloon
Hong Kong SAR
With the introduction of IB cirriculum to DBS, a new phase of buildings with facilities to fulfill the curriculum's requirements would be introduced. The design stage has been commenced and the anticipated completion would be in 2010.
ref: DBS The Fund Vol 7. <download page 1> <download page 2>
DBS celebrates it sportsmen and the recent Championship at the Interschool Athletics!
Received from the Headmaster's Office.
Feb 09
Attn to: School Committee of DBS
From: Elizabeth Chan
Date: 11 February 2009
In regard of the press reports today on the topic of DBS’s IB Class, as a witness during the whole press briefing and luncheon together with Headmaster Terence Chang and the press yesterday, I would like to clarify that Headmaster Chang did not say anything that the School has already confirmed to accept girl students for its IB Class as what had reported on some Chinese newspapers. Mr. Chang only said that the School will consider the possibilities of whether to accept girl students in the IB Class and the decision will make depending on if there were enough and appropriate facilities for the girls, etc. and the School will also consider the views of our old boys as well.
At the same time, we had also issued a press release to all participated media yesterday and we had a very clear message on that. Attached please find the original press release for your information.
I would like to state that Headmaster Chang had expressed a clear message during the press briefing yesterday, however, and I am sorry to find some of the media was misunderstood and had wrong reports on it. In fact, it is not rare that press has wrong reports on everyday news, media received complaints very often.
I have just drafted a press statement to clarify our position and seek your comment and endorsement whether it is appropriate to send it to related media later today.
Thank you for your attention
Best regards
PR Consultant
Received from the Headmaster's Office.
Feb 09
Headline News (2009-02-11 )
On Dec. 6 2008, against better judgment and senses, over 20 of our old boys gathered at the beautiful new gym for a game of volleyball (some admitted that they had not touch a volleyball for over 25 years, according to a Mr. S Leung 83'). Yung sir was kind and patient enough to umpire through about 10 matches while marveled at the amount of body fat presented on court.
Some wives and kids were on standby along the sideline looking like they would jump to administer CPR to their loved ones should the need arise. But that caring gesture turned out to be an overreaction because all participated with the vigor and vitality of those younger years when the school team vest was only a white, round neck (Yung Sir would not allow any other style)T-shirts with the school name and numbers silk-screened on them. A wine dinner, of course, immediately followed at ½ðÁú´¬ but not before Joseph "Fat Ball" Tse drained out his remaining energy by attempting to touch the bottom of the basketball backboard."
Tony Ho 83'