I would like to share an incident.
When I was in Form 2, somebody sent a note to the Prefects. I did not read it but the content would probably fall within ‘insulting prefect’ in the school rules. (My classmates would probably have more details.)
The note was purportedly signed by one of my classmates. It turned out to be someone else. This brought Mr Lowcock to our classroom while we were having a lesson with Mrs Lamsam.
The question Mr Lowcock asked the class was : who was it ? Somehow, he knew that it was one of us. As nobody came forward, the whole class got the max punishment, one apiece.
For most of us, it was just a little pain (though lasting a few days). For the guy who did it, I believe that he had many nights laying awake and became a better man after the incident.
Although the same thing could not happen nowadays, I think there is no better education than this. I truly feel that it is this subtle way of teaching that marks Mr Lowcock’s lasting influence in everyone of us.
Wong Lok Foo (1982)