DSOBA AGM 2015 Agenda
Dear Members,
Please be informed that the Annual General Meeting of Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association Ltd. (“DSOBA”) will be held at The Chinese Club, The Chinese Club Building, 14/F., 22 Connaught Road, Hong Kong on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 7:00 pm, to consider the following matters:
1) To receive and consider the Report of the General Committee.
2) To receive and consider the Income & Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of DSOBA for the year ended 31 December 2014 and the Auditor’s Report in connection with the same.
3) To elect up to six (6) members to fill the vacated offices of the General Committee.
The following retiring General Committee members have decided NOT to offer for re-election:
Name Cert. Year
1) Selwyn Chan 1977
2) Desmond Yip 1982
3) Jason Chiu 1988
The following retiring General Committee members, being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election:
Name Cert. Year
1) Horace Chan 1966
2) John Low 1982
3) Jerome Leung 1983
The following DSOBA members have been nominated for election:
Name Cert. Year
1) Clifford Ip 1978
2) Ryan Fong 1990
3) Victor Chan 1992
As there are six (6) members to fill the six (6) vacated offices of the General Committee, voting is not necessary.
4) To re-appoint the Auditor of DSOBA and authorize the General Committee to fix their remuneration.
5) Any other business
By Order of the General Committee,
Henry Yau
Honorary Secretary