+852 27135268


Dragon Boat Race 12 Jun 2013

Dear All,

The DSOBA dragonboat team will be sending two boats again to Stanley International Dragonboat Championships on Tuen Ng Festival this year, on the 12th June 2013.

As usual, all Old Boys and their families are urged and invited to support us at this very prominent and entertaining event. Not only will there be over 40 crew members sporting our uniform on the seas, but well over half-a-decade’s DBS boys will be represented. In addition to the beach-side marquees, we have chartered a pleasure cruise, for refreshments, relaxation and recovery between races.

All visiting Old Boys and adult friends will be charged a very reasonable HK$150 each, and children between 3 and 12 will be charged HK$80. There will be ferrying services from the beach to our Cruise, which will be anchored nearby from sunrise to sunset.

Last year we impressed all at Stanley with our crew’s paddling, our Old Boys’ support and everyone’s spirit. This year we must do better and ram home the message – “DBS Best of the Best”.

Please contact Sonia Huen or Maggie Ho ( 2713-5268 ) for enquiries and email to maggie@dsoba.org to reserve your seat(s). Please make your cheque payable to “Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association Ltd” and send it to 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon or pay into DSOBA bank account (HSBC A/C No.111-170312-001). Please remember to send us the bank receipt once you transferred the fee to us.

Paddles Up!

Edwin ’90 and Cow ’92

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General Committee 2013-14


President*Jason Chiu ’88
Vice President*Ronnie Cheng ’83, Headmaster
Vice President*Jerome Leung ’83
Vice President*Victor Chang ’88
Vice President – GlobalHorace Chan ’66
Hon. Secretary*Henry Chan ’87
Hon. Treasurer*Jerry Chang ’80
Legal AdvisorSelwyn Chan ’77
Immediate Past PresidentDesmond Yip ’82
Chairmen of Sub-Committees 
Annual DinnerWilliam Lo ’83 & David Wong ’90
Communication & InformationDaniel Ma ’76 & David Lau ’88
Education & CareerJose Cheng ’84
Membership DevelopmentHenry Yau ’84
MusicDavid Wong ‘90
School FeteKasim Fattedad ’97
Social ActivitiesStephen Liu ’89
SportsJohn Low ’82
Committee member:Daniel Wan ’82
* Officers of the DSOBA 
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The DSOBA Charitable Foundation Limited (“CFL Trust”)

In recent years since possibly 2005, there has been a widespread sentiment amongst old boys that there is a need to assist boys who wish to pursue their dreams but cannot do so because of the lack of funds.  It is ironic that while DBS is developing a super campus second to none in the territory, enhanced development of its boys may have been somehow overlooked.  DSOBA decided to bravely step into this hiatus in 2009 and explore the idea of setting up a trust fund in aid of boys who may be in need of funds in the course of their pursuit of academic, musical or sporting excellence.

At round about the same time, several old boys donated to DBS seed money to start the S.J. Lowcock Foundation (“the Foundation”) in honour of our ex-headmaster.  The Foundation’s aim is to provide financial assistance to economically disadvantaged students of DBS to enable them to continue with their tertiary education either locally or overseas. 

The foundation was initially managed by DBS and the seed money was already used up by 2010 when the CFL Trust was honoured with the responsibility to administer the Foundation from 2010 onwards.  DSOBA quickly adopted the Foundation under its wings, which effectively becomes the first and flagship project under the CFL Trust.

To launch the CFL Trust, a charity gala premiere of the much acclaimed award-winning movie “Echoes of the Rainbow” was organized on 27th February 2010.  The tear-jerking masterpiece attracted 9 full houses at the Grand Cinema at the Elements and at the same time attracted $3 million in donation from old boys, parents and friends of DBS on the night.  Encouraged by the overwhelming response, the CFL Trust raised a further $1 million plus up to mid-2011.

The inaugural directors of the CFL Trust consists of a high court judge, 2 senior barristers, 1 solicitor, 1 accountant and 2 seasoned businessmen.  The CFL Trust also succeeded in getting tax-exemption status in Hong Kong commencing March 2011.


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Medical & Healthcare Chapter

A Preparatory Committee to set up a Medical Chapter

A preparatory committee consisted of 10 old boys who are in the medical profession was set up in late 2011 to coordinate the setting up of a Medical Chapter within DSOBA.  An informal dinner gathering was held on 9 March 2012 at the DBS Glass Pavilion. The meeting was attended by 82 old boys from the class of 1952 to 2004 who are in the medical profession. At the meeting, it was agreed to formally set up a Medical Chapter.

Inauguration of the DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Chapter*

The inauguration meeting and dinner of the DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Chapter was held on 11 January 2013 at the Glass Pavilion. The meeting was attended by 116 old boys who are in the medical profession. They are from the class of 1952 to 2012.  (see full report: DSOBA MC_130111_Report.pdf)

* The chapter was renamed from the “Medical Chapter” to the “Medical & Healthcare Chapter” (to reflect the full range of membership of the Chapter).

Coordinating Committee 2013-2015:
CUHK:          LUI Siu Fai (1970) – Convenor
HKU:            Raymond WONG (1998)
HA HKWC:    Kenny Kwan (1994)
HA HKEC:     Peter CHEE (1985)
HA KEC:       TSOI Chun Hing (1985)
HA KCC:       Patrick LI Chung Ki (1971)
HA KWC:      Samuel FUNG (1980)
HA NTEW:    Raymond LO (1981)
HA NTWC:    Matthew TONG (1985)
Private:        Au Wing Yan (1985)
.                   Joseph Chan (1982)
.                   YU Richard (1952)

–    The Coordinating Committee is consisting of 12 members: 1 member from CUHK, 1 member from HKU, 7 members from the Hospital Authority (with 1 member from each of the 7 clusters) and 3 members from the private sector.
–    The members of the First Coordinating Committee of the DSOBA M&H Chapter were members of the initial Preparatory Committee. Subsequently, the committee members shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Chapter.
–    The duration of a term of office is 2 years. One-third of the member shall retire after a term of office. A retiring Officer shall be eligible for re-election (in-line with the policy set by DSOBA).
–    The Convenor of the Coordinating Committee shall be elected by the members of the Coordinating Committee.

Criteria for membership
(1)    Being a member of DSOBA and
(2)    In the medical and healthcare profession, including academic.

The purposes of the Medical & Healthcare Chapter
1.    To identify and to connect old boys in the medical and healthcare profession
2.    To provide a platform for networking, professional exchanges and sharing of news
3.    To assist the School (DBS Careers Office and Centre for Further Studies) on matters related to DBS boys who wish to pursue with a career in the medical and healthcare profession.

Proposed activities:
1.    A DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Directory for posting on DSOBA website*.
2.    An annual dinner / meeting and a mid-year gathering
3.    e-Newsletter / information sharing on designated area (for Chapters) on DSOBA website.
4.    Career development for boys
To take part in the “University day” being hosted by DSOBA, to provide career talk for the School Careers Office, to facilitate boys who are interested in pursuing a career in the medical and healthcare profession with summer internship and attachment to hospital / clinic and to offer mentorship for boys currently studying in medicine.

*Currently, 355 old boys from the year 1945 to 2008 who are in the medical and healthcare profession have been identified and we are in the process of establishing contact with them. Out of these, 143 old boys have joined the Chapter (and agreed for posting of their names on the DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Directory, which will include information such as name, year, profession, current institution, specialty/interest).

Please contact Sonia (sonia@dsoba.org) or Maggie (maggie@dsoba.org ) or for enquiries about joining the Medical & Healthcare Chapter.

Dr. LUI Siu-Fai (Convenor) can be contacted via email luisf@luisf.org

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ICT & Media Chapter

DSOBA ICT & Media Chapter is launched to unite our old boys in IT, Computing, Telecom, Communications and Media professions for networking and sharing of opportunities, as well as to provide support towards various IT related projects in DBS. The chapter is spearheaded by top professionals from the ICT & Media industry who have decades of experience in this area.

Our Chapter objectives are:

•    Welcome and gather old boys with background, career and profession in Information, Communications and Technology; and Traditional and Digital Media
•    Foster old boys network in ICT and Media sector
•    Provide support and advice to the School and its boys

Committee members:

Daniel Lai (’65), Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR
Daniel Ma (’76), Director, AOBA Hopkins Information Management
Sunny Lee (’77), Executive Director, HK Jockey Club
Damien Koon (’78), Director, Bit By Bit Limited
Donald Chan (’88), VP, Cherrypicks
Kenny Chien (’88), Director – China, Cherrypicks
Jason Chiu (’88), CEO, Cherrypicks
David Lau (’88 Co-convenor), Regional Sales Director, Oberthur Technologies
Sinko Choy (’89), Sales Director, IBM
Oscar Lee (’89), Principal Anchor, NOW TV
Stephen Liu (’89 Co-convenor), VP, IDT Telecom
Derek Ngai (’91), Chairman, MACitizen (Apple User Group)
Danny Shum (’98), Managing Director, Innoverz

Please contact Sonia (sonia@dsoba.org) or Maggie (maggie@dsoba.org ) for enquiries about joining the ICT & Media Chapter.

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Legal Chapter inauguration

The objectives of the Legal Chapter are :

1. To foster better networking and communication amongst old boys practicing in the legal profession or working in a legal environment and deepening our common bond ;

2. To make available a contact database to facilitate access by other OBA members who wish to engage the services of old boys in the legal profession;

3. To set up mentor/mentee programs to provide guidance to current school boys of DBS interested to enter the legal profession including giving presentations to current boys to explain to them what legal work entails;

4. To promote and facilitate short-term internships or other placement opportunities for current school boys of DBS or arrange trainee-contracts or pupilage for boys who are law-students interested in entering into the legal profession;

5. To disseminate from time to time information, personal news up-dates, case precedents that the Legal Chapter in its absolute discretion deems relevant or of material interest to members ;

6. To arrange from time to time such social activities, seminars or invitation-only events as deem appropriate to foster closer bonding of its members; 

7. To arrange or otherwise facilitate cross cultural and cross professional exchanges and networking with other old boys working within Hong Kong and in other jurisdictions; 

8. To set up Rules & Regulations for the Legal Chapter.

Organizing Committee members :

The following persons have been seconded by the Convenor to be the first committee members ( “ the Committee ” ) to assist with co-ordination, organizing and facilitating the formation of the Legal Chapter, namely :-

1. Alan Lam ( 1970 ) Alan Lam, Yam & Pe; (” Convenor “)
2. Norris Yang ( 1968 ) ADR International Limited;
3. Frank Lee ( 1976 ) Vincent T.K. Cheung, Yap & Co.;
4. Selwyn Chan ( 1977 ) Alan Lam, Yam & Pe ;
5. Sammy Li ( 1989 ) Paul Hastings;
6. Nicholas Chan ( 1991 ) Squire Sanders;
7. Robin Yue ( 1991 ) Central Chambers;

Eligibility :

Any old boy of Diocesan Boys’ School who is also a full member of the DSOBA and who either works/or studies in the legal profession or in a legal environment.




Legal notice: By applying to become a member of this Legal Chapter and our Linked-in group, you agree that we may collect, store and use personal data concerning you in connection with our school, our objectives and ancillary purposes. You can send an e-mail to our Linked-in data protection officer at NChan@SSD.com if you have any questions on our personal data usage policies

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DSOBA Industry Chapters

An industry chapter is an industry or profession based group within the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association (DSOBA).  Each industry chapter is composed of Old Boys who belong to one or a group of clearly defined industries or professions.    

Purpose of an industry chapter

The primary purpose for which a chapter is formed is to help achieve the key objectives of the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association through industry or profession based groups.

The key objectives of the DSOBA Industry Chapters are:

•    To foster and maintain contact between Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.

•    To promote and encourage social interaction amongst the members of the DSOBA and the Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.

•    To establish, maintain and conduct a social club for the accommodation of members of the DSOBA and their friends, and to provide club premises and other conveniences and generally to afford to members and their friends all the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences and accommodation of a social club.

•    To further the interest of past & present of the members of the Diocesan Boys’ School.


To learn more about our industry chapters please contact Sonia at 27135268 or email sonia@dsoba.org.

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DBS Homecoming Concert 2013


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Temporary Closure of Tennis Court

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Dear Members,


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Diocesan School Old Boys' Association Limited ("DSOBA" or "DSOBA Ltd.") is to be held at 14/F., the Chinese Club, The Chinese Club Building, 22 Connaught Road, Hong Kong on Wednesday, 29 May 2013 at 7:00 p.m. for the following purposes:      

1)     To receive and consider the Report of the General Committee.

2)       To receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of DSOBA Ltd. for the year ended 31 December 2012 and the Auditor's Report.

3)     To elect six (6) Members to fill the vacated offices of the General Committee.

The following General Committee Members are retiring:-

a)   * Daniel Ma              b)  * David Lau           c) * David Wong
d)   * Henry Yau             e)  * Jerry Chang         f)     Peter Au

Nomination of a member to fill any one of the vacated offices of the General Committee must be by way of the prescribed Nomination Form duly completed and returned to the General Committee (DSOBA, 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon) no later than 5:00 p.m. on 8 May 2013. One Nomination Form must be used for each nominee.

Note: * Retiring members standing for re-election.

4)     To appoint an Auditor for the coming year.

Any member of the DSOBA is entitled to attend and vote at the AGM or appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead.

Forms of Proxy will be sent to you together with a list of General Committee member nominees on or before 15 May 2013.  The Forms of Proxy must be completed and returned to the DSOBA office at 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon no later than 5:00 p.m. on 27 May 2013. Completed Forms of Proxy may be sent by facsimile to the DSOBA Office (Fax: 2761 0793) no later than 12:00 p.m. on 27 May 2013. Original hard copy of the Proxy must be received by DSOBA Ltd. before the time for holding the Annual General Meeting i.e. before 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday 29 May 2013 at the meeting venue.

Enclosed the AGM and dinner notices and nomination form.

Sincerely yours,

Henry Chan

Hon. Secretary


Notice Nomination Form Dinner

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