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Steps 2012

The STEPS, the school magazine of DBS, has a long history of nearly half a century. It is
published annually in July. Readers include students, parents, old boys and friends ofDBS. Among
them are prominent members of society.

Please consider to place an advertisement on Steps 2012!

<download form>

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Farid Samy (75) – Obituary

Our dear friend Farid Samy passed away at York Hospital in Toronto on April 7, 2012 at 3:30PM. As it was his wish to have a Muslim funeral, services took place the following day starting at 11:30AM with viewing/visitation at the Mosque (Islamic Foundation of Toronto), then prayers at noon, and finally burial at York Cemetery (Section 20/Plot 1392) by 1PM.

The following is an excerpt from Farouk Samy’s (his older brother) message:

“I wanted to let you know that my brother, Farid passed away peacefully last Saturday April 7. He never recovered from his coma. It would have been 2 years this month in a coma state. Our family is grateful that his suffering has now ended. Farid was buried Sunday in accordance with Islamic rites which required burial to happen within 24 hours. I miss him and I am sure you too as well. Farid hadn’t really changed from the time he left DBS to the time before he had the coma. He was still the Farid you all knew him – fun, joker, life of the party. He always reminded me that there is a child within us no matter how old we are. I hope you all have fond memories of him.”


Submitted by Russell Yeh (74)

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Dear Members,


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Diocesan School Old Boys' Association Limited ("DSOBA" or "DSOBA Ltd.") is to be held at 14/F., the Chinese Club, The Chinese Club Building, 22 Connaught Road, Hong Kong on Thursday,  May 24, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for the following purposes:

1)    To receive and consider the Report of the General Committee.

2)       To receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of DSOBA Ltd. for the year ended December 31 2011 and the Auditor’s Report.

3)    To elect six (6) Members to fill the vacated offices of the General Committee.

The following General Committee Members are retiring:-

a)   * Desmond Yip b)  * Horace Chan     c) * Selwyn Chan

d)   * Jason Chiu           e)  * Jerome Leung           f) * John Low

Nomination of a member to fill any one of the vacated offices of the General Committee must be by way of the prescribed Nomination Form duly completed and returned to the General Committee (DSOBA, 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon) no later than 12:00 p.m. on May 3, 2012. One Nomination Form must be used for each nominee.

Note: * Retiring members standing for re-election.

4)    To appoint an Auditor for the coming year.


Any member of the DSOBA is entitled to attend and vote at the AGM or appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead.


Forms of Proxy will be sent to you together with a list of General Committee member nominees on or before May 10, 2012.  The Forms of Proxy must be completed and returned to the DSOBA office at 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 22, 2012. Completed Forms of Proxy may be sent by facsimile to the DSOBA Office (Fax: 2761 0793) no later than 12:00 p.m. on May 22, 2012. Original hard copy of the Proxy must be received by DSOBA Ltd. before the time for holding the Annual General Meeting i.e. before 6:00 p.m. on Thursday,  May 24, 2012 at the meeting venue.


Sincerely yours,


Daniel Wan

Hon. Secretary

Cir1203001/AGM 29-Mar-2012

<AGM notice form>

<AGM dinner form>

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Dear friends and old boys,

Update on Maurice Siu (89) / 繼續支持蕭卓明 (燒雞)

On behalf of Maurice, we express our gratitude to the old boys and friends
who have donated generously and provided valuable suggestions to support
Maurice in his fight against cancer.  We would also like to thank those who
attended Maurice's dinner talk in Feb 29.


Maurice has decided to undergo a new treatment regime suggested by a pool
of old boys from relevant medical fields starting April 9. May God’s
blessing be bestowed upon Maurice and his family for faith and strength in
this critical and challenging treatment.  Before the commencement of his
treatment, Maurice would like to invite friends, donors, supporters,
classmates and fellow old boys to join a sharing session on April 8 at the
All Saints’ Cathedral.  Maurice would like to thank all of you for your
support in person.


For more information, please contact David Wong at 9077-4777 or Jason Chiu
at 9308-7788.

Maurice Siu Foundation Limited

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Beloved Headmaster – Samuel Hsu 79

He was our most beloved Headmaster; the trademark moustache, the cane, the stern look, the smile that could warm a young boy’s heart.  We owe him for the freedom of expression we enjoyed; the stimulating environment to learn, explore and discover who we were.


At DBS, I had schoolmates and teachers whose ancestries were American, Australian, Canadian, Chinese, British, Indian, Portuguese and Thai.  There were those who walked or took transit to school, and some who came in Rolls Royce or Porsche.  We all mingled together without any difference of class, creed, language, race or religion.  We were brought together under one roof – DBS and one umbrella – Jimmy Lowcock.


When we looked back, he was truly ahead of his time.  He brought us into a multi-cultural and diverse environmental setting when those phrases were not widely used yet.  He prepared us as young men to face the world ahead of us.  We were actually living in the future 38 years ago.


I would like to share an incident with you.  I think it was a Wednesday afternoon in the Spring of 1976.  Our teacher did not show up for class and no one came to supervise us.  Some of my classmates started going around removing others’ pants.  After they had done that to almost everyone.  They looked for something “more interesting to do”.  They started throwing things around.  At the end, the desks and chairs all piled up in a “heap of ruins”.  But still no teacher came, so we all went off to our last class – art with Mr. Y.T. Kwong ( 排骨佬 Spare Rib Lo).


Finally the news got out and Mr. Lowcock came and asked who were responsible for the carnage.  After repeated questionings by him, none came forward to admit it nor report the ones who did it.  So he gave everyone a good caning.  Somehow it seemed that he knew who were the ones who did it.  He gave some quite a lashing, but for most of us just one stroke.  After school, I went to the swimming pool with the freshly minted red stripe on my thigh and behind, covered only by a small Speedo.


He must have been upset by what the boys had done and disappointed that they did not “Do The Right Thing” by owning up to it, yet I think he took comfort in the fact that our whole class stood by each other through thick and thin.  None of us betrayed others for our own preservation.  That experience was well worth the temporary pain of the only caning I received at school.  It enriched my experience at DBS.


Thank you Jimmy, you will be greatly missed.


Samuel Hsu

Class of 1979

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

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A Tribute to Sydney James Lowcock – Dr. Pau Wing Iu, Patrick


A Tribute to Sydney James Lowcock (1930-2012)

Headmaster, Diocesan Boys’ School (1961-1983)


Jimmy Lowcock first taught me when I was in Form 1 in 1955. He noticed something in me that I didn’t realise when he watched me running the 200 metres in the middle-boy heats event during Inter-House Athletics. I was then in Form 3. The field was wet and I slipped and fell at the start. I picked myself up and gave chase, ending in second place. It was not my speed but the determination to finish the race that caught his eye. He invited me to join the summer camp in athletics.

In my senior years during summer, in addition to athletic training, he also gave me books to read, such as Alan Paton’s “Cry, the Beloved Country”, George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, Graham Greene’s “The Power and the Glory” and Vance Packard’s “The Hidden Persuaders”, to broaden my outlook.

He had this intuitive ability to spot hidden potential in his students, and he used that to nurture their development outside the classroom. Mine was just one of many examples. It was years later after the students grew up that they came to appreciate his help, and they loved him dearly for it. As Headmaster, he considered the development of character, leadership, scholarship, extracurricular achievement and service as essential for DBS students.

JL Young Saye praised his intuitive ability in an article entitled “Our Headmaster”, in which he described how Jimmy turned two “old fashioned book-worms into top-flight athletes, who in time went on to capture all sorts of honour at the University”.

In 1967 I had an opportunity of joining the HKU Department of Medicine at Queen Mary Hospital to pursue an academic career; but as fate would have it, I ended up joining the Hong Kong Government as Medical Officer serving on Kowloon side and became a house guest at the Headmaster’s House for one year. The ground floor of the house became a common room for senior boarders, who came over after school for pastimes in art and music, or for brief chats. Jimmy was a father figure to many of his students even though he never got married, and I was one of his “favourite sons”. His mother Mabel was staying with him at that time, and she treated me as a member of the family. When she passed away, Jimmy lost a steadying influence at home.

Jimmy had a phenomenal memory which enabled him to recall the backgrounds of many of his students. Often he could see a problem in a new light, as though he saw that white light is not just white but a combination of seven colours through the prism in his mind. I listened to him talking about the student problems on many occasions after he came home, and opined if medical problems were involved. His generosity in offering financial help to needy students was legendary. These student problems were minor compared to the many problems he faced in education as Headmaster during office hours, which sapped his mind and body after more than 20 years.

I was aware of the deterioration of his physical and mental health in the early 1980s but I couldn’t think of the right remedy for him. One day in 1983 he called me by phone when I was seeing patients and asked, “Pau, do you think that I should retire?” I said, “I think you should,” and that was the end of our conversation, short and bittersweet. It turned out to be the right remedy.

Even when he was down, he had the foresight that he must buy a house for his retirement. He realised that his retirement fund could be drained in no time if he were to rent a place to stay and inflation came along. Without fanfare we found a house in Clear Water Bay that was suitable for him. In the quiet and peaceful surroundings, he utilised his inner strength, modified his life habits, and regained his health and wits. It was a miracle to behold.

Age, however, was catching on. He was well looked after by a panel of doctors who are old boys; but life is not infinite. He died of a sudden heart attack on the 26th of January 2012 at the age of 81. It was swift and peaceful as he wanted it to be.

St. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9, 24-25 (The New English Bible): “You know (do you not?) that at the sports all runners run the race, though only one wins the prize. Like them, run to win! But every athlete goes into strict training. They do it to win a fading wreath; we, a wreath that never fades.” Jimmy fully deserved the wreath that never fades.

Dr. Pau Wing Iu, Patrick

Senior Prefect and School Athletics Captain (1960-61)

Distinguished Fellow, Hong Kong College of Cardiology


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懷念別樹一格的郭慎墀校長 – 馮以浤(1955年校友)



郭慎墀 (Sydney James Lowcock) 校長五十年代是我的老師,六十年代是我的上司和朋友。此後我們一直保持聯繫。










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Goodbye, Jimmy – Hanson Y Huang ‘68


Goodbye, Jimmy

Hanson Y Huang ‘68

Senior Prefect

Boarders’ Senior Prefect

Arthur House Captain

Jimmy left unexpectedly, far too early, but mercifully very peacefully, even serenely. The last time we talked, during his 81st birthday party last December, he had asked me to bring him a book after the holidays; and I had some good news for him, as if he didn’t know already, about the SJ Lowcock Foundation. But that was not to be.

I first met Jimmy on a sunny Saturday morning in September, the weekend before school started, over 50 years ago. I had just entered Primary 5 as a boarder and after running around in the school field, was resting under the huge ficus tree near the old high-jump pit when a tall gentleman with a distinctive moustache came over, took my pulse, and told me to continue running. Two days later I found out he was the new Headmaster who was destined to lead DBS through a difficult period of rapid socio-economic change, riots and short-sighted Government micro-management.

The next nine years, my formative years, were spent in this extended institution and family, and Jimmy became a figure to learn from, to emulate and to rebel against.

This was how he described his role when pleading my case, in a letter to Deng Xiao-ping in 1985, when I was battling certain evil forces in China:

“Huang Yin is well known to me since 1961. When his father passed away at an early age and his mother had to work as a journalist, he and his elder brother were placed in the boarding school at which I was headmaster.

“Since then I have acted virtually as their parent for the nine years they were in school. I know the two boys extremely well as they spent most of their time with me.”

That was an understatement, in classic Lowcock style. And many will recognize this low-key approach as he was wont to offer help without publicizing it, give advice without being overbearing, and spot potential and spend an inordinate amount of time trying to bring the best out of individuals without the beneficiary ever realizing it.

My nine years went by in a flurry, highlighted by a non-ending stream of exciting and challenging activities and, frankly, not much schoolwork; perhaps he saw my greatest potential was last-minute cramming for exams and getting away with it.

Jimmy’s emphasis on regular extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, drama, time-keeping, etc., is well known. But it was how he handled extraordinary events, such as riots, student strikes (not the first in DBS history), and the nascent urgings of democracy (he allowed all students to vote on the design of the School badge as well as the length of lunch-hour) that best exemplify his positive and delightfully iconoclastic attitude towards life, the School and, above all, his faith and trust in his students and prefects.

Lesser known aspects of Jimmy: he was proficient in Latin; he had a taste for Danish blue even before the cheese was readily available in HK; he loved ties, and I am the happy recipient of a few; he used to smoke, not the garden-variety cigarettes but Du Maurier in an orange box, turning a vice into a style; he could be caught sitting on the living-room carpet listening to the MJQ, Take Five, Joan Baez, Buffy St. Marie, Miriam Makeba and taped sessions of DBS on RadioHK Quiz competitions.

He also tended his resignation to Goodban not once but three times, all brushed off by Goodban with a: “Don’t be a bloody fool!” Years later, when I tended mine to him, he brushed it off by turning TS Eliot against me, and we privately memorialized the affair by selecting Eliot’s Complete Poems and Plays as my Special Prize for Senior Boarders’ Prefect.

Even less known, but of great importance to DBS, was the influence of his mentor, Bishop Hall. We never found out when they first met. The Bishop was a remarkably open-minded person, with an aversion to pomp and ceremony. What Jimmy learnt from him was simple: there should be a healthy balance and separation between church and school that has been a hallmark of success for DBS, namely: to produce good people, regardless of race, religion, creed, or background. I also had the good fortune of meeting the Bishop and hearing this from him. When the Bishop retired, Jimmy, on behalf of the School Committee, presented him with a token of appreciation for his 30 years of service as Chairman, an oil painting of DBS that I painted in P5. Yes, Jimmy even held impromptu painting sessions at the HM’s House; he brought the paint and brushes, the canvas and even a bit of inspiration.

The Bishop visited Beijing in 1956, in the midst of the cold-war, as the guest of Premier Chou En-lai, and subsequently arranged for a group of DBS and DGS teachers, including Jimmy, to visit China the same year. He was therefore not a bit surprised when I visited Beijing in 1972, which led, indirectly, to the letter quoted earlier.

The Chinese connection ran even deeper. To promote education for working class children, the Bishop supported the Workers’ Children School, knowing full well it was a front for the leftist and defended them when the Government tried to close the school in 1949 after the PRC was established; George She also became their Supervisor in 1947. During the Leftist riots in 1967, the Workers’ Children School not only was our arch-rivals in athletics, but also was implicated in the violence. Yet Jimmy still invited their athletes to practice at our school field. That was magnanimity of a spiritual level.

Bishop Hall also sent Jimmy, while HM-designate, on an extended tour of the US and UK to visit various theological seminaries and schools to broaden his perspective and meet with old boys. Only in the last few years, and after much coaxing, did he start talking about that period, when he crossed paths with, but never met Paul Tillich whom he had admired and read extensively. In the sixties, we only knew he had many books by Tillich, de Chardin, Barth and Eliot. On that trip, he also met an old boy who became one of the biggest donor to the School.

At our last meeting, the conversation again drifted to Bishop Hall, who eschewed but never intervened in some of George She’s more ritualistic approach to faith (GS, who was from an earlier generation, headed the last Anglican congregation in HK that sung the liturgy by Merbecke, with gusto!) Jimmy became quite animated when relating the elaborate efforts to implement some of these schemes. When he became HM, he aligned school ceremonies along the design of Christ Church, the first church built under the auspices of Bishop Hall: sparse but spiritual. This was also reflected in his design for the RO Hall Chapel (now converted) under the New New Wing, and the crucifix he designed for the School Chapel: elegant and not unduly elegiac.

In time, relations with him inevitably reach a critical point, a rite of passage: when to call him Jimmy, as opposed to Mr. Lowcock, Headmaster, or the generic “you”. I guess he sensed some unease on my part when I first visited him upon my return to HK in 1992 after 20 years in the US and China, so not too long thereafter, on the flimsiest of excuse, he sent me a letter by telex, signing it with “Jimmy”. So it cannot but be Jimmy from then on.

So what will Jimmy make of all the arrangements for his funeral and memorial? I think I know him well enough to second-guess him: he will, with a brush of his hand, say it is all a fuss and a bloody waste of time. Yet I think I also know him better: he will see some good reason and agree to what his boys need.

So it was with the SJ Lowcock Foundation. When the idea of starting a Fund in his name to support the needy at DBS after the School went DSS was first raised, he thought it was a bit ostentatious. But over time, he saw a clear need and agreed. Of course, in true Lowcock style, in a letter he wrote me about the decision, he only modestly referred to it as “a Trust Fund”. The Foundation now supports deserving students through their first year of college and he quite liked the idea. And I had planned to see him after the holidays to report a rather exceptional fund-raising auction.

So it will be with his Memorial Service. It will be a kind of end-of-term service to refresh and share memories of time spent with him and to give thanks for all he did for so many. It will not be mourning over a tragic loss; it will be a celebration of a life well-lived. That will do wonders for his boys. I believe he will play cool but agree, and even smile ever so serenely.

Goodbye, Jimmy.


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Mr Jimmy Lowcock – Sum-Ping Lee (class 1963).

I will always have vivid and fond memories of Mr Lowcock.  He was a genuine and sincere man. He was generous, and very supportive of the students around him. His positive attitude and ‘can do’ spirit which so effectively radiated from him were rarely equalled.

One is remembered in this life not by how much you know, nor how much you own; but by one’s character and integrity, and by how one has touched the lifes of other human beings. I know of very few people who have taught, nourished and inspired so many young minds in a most profound way.  I think Mr Lowcock must also have felt greatly rewarded. For the one who has brought sunshine to so many cannot but himself also shared a dose of the warmth and light. He has lived a full and wonderful life.

Sum-Ping Lee (class 1963)

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Lacrimosa – Ho Chi Ping Patrick (66)

Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus.

Huic ergo parce, Deus
Pie Jesu Domine
Dona eis requiem, Amen

Goodbye, Jimmy,  you have always been the Wind beneath my wings

Ho Chi Ping Patrick (66)


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