Thanks David and Robert for your sharing on the passing of beloved Mr. Lowcock.
Though I do not feel I know Mr. Lowcock that well, I feel that he did a wonderful job for DBS at an important turning point from 1960’s to 1970’s in the school’s history. His vision for education took DBS leaps and bounds into the future, and decidely different from the other parochial schools of the same era. His emphasis on freedom to think, daring to try new approaches, greater emphasis on sports/ athletics and music, made us DBS students different from most other students in HK. At least we can tell from first hand experience that we were better prepared for college and careers in different parts of the world, though more recently we had witnessed some centripedal flow of talents towards HK and China.
Of course, there were many, especially the sports talented, who found wonderful guidance and nurturing by Mr. Lowcock. Those of us active in music would also agree that Mr. Lowcock had always been very supportive of all round education, and freedom to pursue our passion and dreams.
He made a big difference in the lives of many of us, and we are always grateful to him!
With a heavy heart and sincere appreciation,
With a heavy heart and sincere appreciation,
Sean Lai (class of 1965)