+852 27135268


8 Oct 2007


Jason Chiu is the Chairman and Chief Executive of Cherrypicks (www.cherrypicks.com).  Founded in 2000, Cherrypicks is a leading integrated Mobile and Internet Service Provider specializing in social networking and web-based community services.  Cherrypicks has been featured in a number of industry and business journals, including a Harvard Business School Case. 

Date:        8 October, 2007, Monday
Venue:      The Chinese Club, 8/F., The Chinese Club Building, 22 Connaught Road, Central.                     
Time:        6:30 p.m.Reception (dinner will start promptly at 7:30 p.m.)

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Please find update on the book History of DBS from Fung Yee-wang (55).

Attached recent letters.

The revised table of contents:

Part I:    A Chronological View

1.   Introduction
2.   1869 – 1918
3.   1918 – 1941
4.   1941 – 1961
5.   1961 – 1983
6.   1983 – 2000
7.   2000 – 2009

Part II:   Other Perspectives
8.            Church, School Committee and Headmasters
9.            Staff and Students
10.        Campus and School Life
11.        Scholastic Activities
12.        Extracurricular Activities
13.        The Alumni
14.        Conclusion

Part III:  Appendices
A.   Names of School Committee Members
B.       Names of Administrators
C.       Names of Teachers
D.       Names of Senior Prefects



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"My belief is that great countries and great cities are created by great citizens," Lee told Sounding Board in a recent interview set among grand pianos at his company’s main store in downtown Vancouver. "As chair, I’m looking forward to focusing on what we need to do today to guarantee future prosperity for Vancouver, but it’s definitely not a one-person operation; it requires the whole mass to be willing to pitch in."

Lee has an impressive vision for Vancouver, and with a background in engineering, construction, banking, development and, of course, retail, he certainly has the résumé to help his vision become a reality.
In addition to his professional experience, Lee also has a noteworthy history of community service, particularly in Vancouver’s entertainment district and the area around Granville Mall, where Tom Lee Music’s flagship store is located.

His crusade began in 1994 when, after 10 years in Toronto, Lee returned to Vancouver and was "shocked" at what he called "the demise of Granville Street."

"From that point onwards, I said to myself, since we can’t move the building, let’s try to change the environment."
Lee, along with other merchants in the area, was instrumental in founding the Community Policing Office on Granville Street in 1996. He played a major role in pushing for a redesign of the street (adopted by Vancouver City Council last year), and was a director of the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association for eight years.
"Working within the downtown area was a good training ground for me," Lee reminisces, "but The Board of Trade’s scope is much larger. Now it’s time to look at the bigger picture and ask, ‘What can we do as citizens for Vancouver?’"

Lee and his wife Doris are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this month. They have two sons: Jeffrey, 20, a fourth-year student at UBC’s Sauder School of Business, and Kenneth, 18, who is heading to Queen’s University in September to study commerce.
He immigrated to Vancouver from Hong Kong in 1969, and he still maintains strong ties with Asia, often travelling there for business several months each year. He has lived in Canada’s three largest cities, as well as in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Lee believes that his global experiences have made him a better person, which in turn can help Vancouver become a better place.
"My task is to ensure that Vancouver shines when it comes to being the best and most enjoyable place to live, invest, and conduct business," Lee says with his trademark big-picture gusto. "Our beautiful city is definitely suffering from growing pains right now. But beneath all these challenges are huge opportunities that can transform Vancouver into the ultimate global city." But he admits it’s a tall order, one that will require an efficient business environment, effective government system, a clear global vision, and above all, highly engaged citizens.
As he prepares to take the helm of western Canada’s most active member-based business association later this month, Lee stresses that when citizens are proactive and take ownership of issues, nothing is impossible. And for him, The Board of Trade is the best venue for citizens and businesses to become engaged about the issues that matter the most to them.
"As individuals, we can’t do much. We can write to our MLAs, we can write to our councillors, but that’s just the voice of one person," Lee says. "What The Board of Trade allows its members to do is to come together to work on key issues, whether for the benefit of society or for business. By getting a critical mass of like-minded and caring people together, we can facilitate changes. Ultimately, we’re not here to just talk, we’re here to make things happen, and The Vancouver Board of Trade causes that to occur."


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30 Sep 2007 (Sun)
Presented by DSOBA and DBSAC


Even though Games Day this year took place over the long National Day weekend, the turnout was still strong:  61 adults and 56 children showed up for the event.  The annual family event, organized jointly by DSOBA and DBS Athletics Club (DBSAC),   was held in a sunny afternoon at the School Field.  







Our Old Boys and their family members participated enthusiastically in the various games scheduled.  As usual, we had games for everyone: Old Boys, young boys and girls, and even mothers!  There were individual sprints, obstacle races, spoon-and-egg races and 1-lap runs.  Several heats were set up for each event, and the nursery-kindergarten group once again turned out to be the largest of all the different age groups!  The 1-lap run was open to all ages and proved to be a very popular event with over 50 entries.

The races continued until dusk, and we had to cancel the last two family games in order to allow time for the medal presentation.  We were honoured to have William Hill (Class of ‘64 and our School’s track-and-field record-holder), Alex Ko (Class of ‘70 and DBSAC’s Chairman) and Willie Kung (Class of ’77 and DBSAC’s Deputy Chairman) present the medals to the winners of each event.    


Congratulations to all the winners!  Special thanks to Cheng “Sir” and his school staff and students who made this a successful and memorable event.  I would also like to thank Philip Ma (’83) for his generosity in donating toys for the event. 


We hope everyone had lots of fun this year and look forward to seeing everyone again next year!


Anthony Siu (’83)
Chairman, Social Functions Sub-Committee

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When 1 pm to 5 pm, August 26 (Sunday) 
Where DBS Swimming Pool
Activities  Water Games, Swimming, Snakcs


Photo Gallery

We were fortunate that, despite an initial brief shower, the Sunday afternoon was filled with mostly sunshine, blue skies and light breezes.  The party began with leisurely swimming and water games.  This year we had many enthusiastic swimmers eagerly anticipating the “friendly” swimming competitions, but we wanted to make sure that everybody was well fed and happy, so the buffet was served before the competitions.  Albert Cheung (’83) arranged for the food catering, which featured a variety of western and Asian dishes, of which the fruit salad with salmon, shrimp on sugar cane stick, and chicken wings were instant hits.  Also, thanks to Bobby Yu (’79), we had delicious desserts to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth.
The swimming competitions began after the buffet.  The youngest swimmer was only 4 years old and did not even require the use of a kickboard! Six races were initially scheduled based on the different age groups, and the infamous DBS’ competitive spirit really shone through in all the races.  Everybody was having so much fun that we decided to add two more races at the end:  the 50M “father-and-child” relay and the 25M breast stroke for the Old Boys who wanted to relive their past glories.  Kenny Yip (’81), our Sportsmaster, showcased his perfect form of the breaststroke and, of course, won that race with ease.    We were grateful to have Robert Choi (’83) keep scores of those close races and Darwin Liu (’84) take photos for us.   
This year we were honored to have Mr. Reginald Hamet (’53), an active supporter of DSOBA, present medals and prizes (donated by Philip Ma (’83) and Anthony Siu (’83)) to the winners.  Last but not least, we wrapped up the poolside party with our traditional watermelon eating.  We all went home with a nice tan, a content stomach and more happy memories of DBS.

The Annual Poolside Party is a wonderful family event and a great opportunity to catch up with other Old Boys and to meet new friends in a casual setting.  Hopefully, next year you will bring your families & friends back to join the fun! 

Anthony Siu
Social Function Committee

photos by: Darwin Liu, Daniel Ma

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An Invitation to the
at W’ s Entrecôte
Organized by DSOBA
An Evening of Vintage Wine Tasting
And Gourmet French Dinner Experience



 Date and Time: 28 June, 2007 (Thursday)

Pre-dinner wine tasting: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Dinner: 8:00 pm onwards
 Venue:W’s Entrecôte, 6th Floor, Express by Holiday Inn 33 Sharp Street East , Causeway Bay (Tel:  2506 0133)
 Cost:HK$500 per person for DSOBA members HK$550 per person for non-DSOBA members and guests (Package includes wine at pre-dinner tasting, two glasses of fine wine at dinner and a 4-course dinner menu)
Crab Meat & Crab Eggs Salad with Truffle & W’s Vinaigrette
Lobstor Bisque flovoured with Cognac
Grilled Ribeye Steak, or
Grilled Filler of Fresh Salmon, or
Grilled Lamb Cutlets
Warm Chocolate Cake served with Vanilla Ice Cream
Coffee or Tea

Please RSVP with Amy AuYeung of DSOBA at 2713 5268 or e-mail at: amy@dsoba.org or dsobaamy@yahoo.com.hk . Payment should be made by cheque to DSOBA Limited and mailed to DSOBA Limited, 131Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon.

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Annual General Meeting & Dinner

The DSOBA Ltd. Annual General Meeting was held on 3 May 2006 at the the Chinese Club. The AGM Dinner was held immediately following the AGM. This was a good opportunity for all members to get together for fellowship in a casual setting.



General Committee – 2007/08
PresidentS.A.L. Rahman (71)
Vice-Presidents (Hon)Terence Chang (65)
Henry Leung (74)
Desmond Yip (82)
Honorary SecretaryDaniel Wan (82)
Honorary Treasurer &
Finance Sub-Committee Chairman
George Hongchoy (79)
Immediate Past PresidentVictor Tan (80)
Chairmen of Sub-Committees:
Social Function Sub-CommitteeAlvin Li (86)
Anthony Siu (83)
Membership-Development Sub-CommitteeHorace Chan (66)
Club-Activities Sub-CommitteeJerry Chang (80)
Newsletter & Internet Sub-CommitteeDaniel Ma (76)
Rules Revision Sub-CommitteeSelwyn Chan (77)
Mentor Scheme Sub-CommitteeKasim Fattaded (97)
Committee Members:Horace Chan (66)
Tony Choi (75)
Stanley Fong (78)
Lau Pau (76)
Richard Leung (71)
Marc Wong (03)
Ball ChairmanMyron Ng (88)
AuditorR. Kadir & Co.
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Incoming Concert 2007

Incoming Concert 2007, Homecoing Concert 2007
“A Celebration”
A fundrasing event of DBS
Fri 13 July 2007 & Sat 14 July 2007
Concert Hall, Cultural Centre

The DBS Music Department, DBS Parents-Teachers Association, DBS Alumni Parents’ Association, Dioscesan School Old Boys’ Association and DBS Fund Raising Committee proudly present to you – Incoming Concert & HomeComing Concert 2007 “A Celebration”.
This annual event serves three purposes:
a) to honour the outstanding achievements of our old boys at this year’s Music Festival, with DBS being awarded the “Outstanding School of the Year”,
b) to raise funds for the school, and
c) to welcome all new students and parents.


Do join us at the Concert – support our boys and support DBS.
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Obituary – Eddie To (63)

With deep sadness, we announce the sudden passing away of Eddie Chan-hung To (63), beloved husband of Anita, beloved father of Brian, beloved brother of Julie and Bill, on Thursday April 26th 2007 at St. Teresa’s Hospital.


Funeral Services will be held on Friday May 4th, 2007 at Hong Kong Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to MIT. Cheques may payable to “Eddie To memorial fund” may be left with the family or mailed to Office of Memorial Gifts, MIT.


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Newsletter 2007 Spring

Newsletter Spring 2007


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